Why is it good to search for volunteers with GLOCOVO?

(Last modification: 31/10/2019)

Why is it good to search for volunteers with GLOCOVO?

Register GLOCOVO, make events by using the application and discover its possibilities!

Due to technological improvements of the 21st century, new methods became available for recruiting volunteers. Nowadays volunteer organizations usually make contacts with volunteers throught the internet, social media, newsletter or their own website. However, the process of making contact, recruiting, organizing events or searching for new volunteers is sometimes more difficult than it should be. GLOCOVO is an application that has all the solutions for all the issues that come up in everyday activity. It makes communication and organizing easier than ever between volunteers and organizations. By using the application you will meet plenty of volunteers, much more than you would find through ordinary methods, consequently, you’ll have more possibilities to find the right person to represent your cause.

Register GLOCOVO, make events by using the application and discover its possibilities!


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Ha önkéntesség, akkor GLOCOVO

könyvelés Ha önkéntesség, akkor GLOCOVO

Az utóbbi időkben az önkéntesség népszerűsége világszerte, köztük Magyarországon is növekszik. Ennek legfőbb oka, hogy egyre többen kezdenek ráébredni a közösségi aktivitás társadalom- és személyiségfejlesztő erejére.