Mountaire helps those in need have easier Easter

(Last modification: 30/03/2021)

Mountaire helps those in need have easier Easter

Due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the call for volunteers is lessened, but the need to feed those underserved remains in Mountaire Farms’ Easter for Thousands.

On Tuesday, community volunteers will join Mountaire employees in packing 3,000 complete meal boxes, just in time for Easter dinners for needy families.

Mountaire’s massive warehouse at its Hoosier Street facility in Selbyville is the venue for the 8 a.m. to noon packing event. Packing will be staged inside the warehouse and outside in the parking lot.

This community event is part of Mountaire’s series of annual Thanksgiving for Thousands events, which started 25 years ago on Delmarva. The poultry company feeds families at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter each year.

Volunteers on packing lines help box complete meals for families of four, including a Mountaire roaster chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, peas and carrots, corn and a brownie mix for dessert.

Volunteers also help load the boxes into vehicles as churches, community groups and nonprofits, who have registered for the boxes, line up to pick up their orders.

Due to pandemic protocols, volunteers will be limited, and social distancing will be in place. Masks will be mandatory.

On Friday, Mountaire officials said all volunteer slots were filled.

Additionally, for the first time at Easter, Mountaire is packing 1,100 meal boxes in North Carolina in partnership with churches there.



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