GLOCOVO Is Here To Change Your Life

(Last modification: 03/12/2019)

GLOCOVO Is Here To Change Your Life

Register at GLOCOVO and win an ipad!

Have you ever heard of GLOCOVO? No? Then it’s better to download it as soon as possible. It’s an application for volunteers and volunteer organizations. But it isn’t an ordinary application. It’s the best option for a volunteer. It’s also the best option for organizations that want to find new members to represent their causes. It’s an indispensable opportunity if you want to do something good for your community if you want to change the world or simply help those who are close to you. If you want to be a part of something great GLOCOVO is your way to do it. I’m not kidding. Organizing events has never been easier than now. Finding volunteers or finding causes that fit your purposes has never been so simple.

Join GLOCOVO and make sure of its undeniable advantages!


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Az év önkéntesei 2019-ben

könyvelés Az év önkéntesei 2019-ben

Az Önkéntes Központ Alapítvány minden évben díjazza az ország legkiemelkedőbb önkéntes programjait. Az Önkéntesek Nemzetközi Napját megelőző estén idén öt kategóriában adták át az elismeréseket.

Thanks to all the Volunteers

könyvelés Thanks to all the Volunteers

Volunteering isn’t easy but it really highlights what Gandhi said, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”